Friday, July 15, 2011

Storms & lots of RAIN!!!!!

This has been one wet summer. I have no idea the exact amount overall this summer but gardening really has made me more aware of the weather.

So we had a storm last night. Not big enough to wake me up but big enough to do some damage in the garden. We were poorly unprepared. We should have staked the corn & the peppers, especially after all the growth they have gone through within the last week. The corn being very tall & lanky was just recipe for disaster. Will this survive???? Husband says maybe we should call the government & ask for our corn subsidy, should we??? I think the government has too much debt though.
my poor corn
The planter was moved to the fence.
The corn wasn't the only plant affected by the storm. The rain flooded the earth boxes causing the pepper plants to come loose. The Bell plant in the middle is leaning backwards, the Gypsy Pepper plant is leaning sideways, and the Banana Pepper plant seems unaffected. I think this could have been avoided had we staked them to begin with, but it hadn't occurred to me that once all the peppers come in the plant would be top heavy. I can stake them now, but risk damaging the root system, and I could harvest also. Not sure as of yet what to do.

These plants weren't affected by the storm but it's an early update of the rest of the garden. 
Our melon plant has really got some fungal damage. I think the wet summer is the culprit. The constant wetness has spread the fungus.
Before pruning.

After pruning.
Just one of the four maturing melons.

Finally a ripening tomato.

Zucchini after being pruned some more due to Squash bug infestation.
Damaged tomato, that healed itself.

Are those squash bug eggs in the tomato plant???? Urgh!

My inside micro greens 3 day growth.

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